Jan 07, 2008 hola yo tengo una pc que con Windows xp service pack 1, y quiero cambiarle a service pack 2. Se que se puede hacer formateando el sdisco duro de la maquina pero no tengo los drivers de la placa madre. Yo quiero saber si hay alguna forma de cambiar el service pack 1 por el service pack 2 sin formatear la pc. Instalacion del service pack 1 en windows 7 con disco.busca en google donwload windows 7 service pack 1. Y encontraras bajarlo y quemarlo en un dvd y asi ava. To check if Windows 7 SP1 is already installed on your PC, select the Start button, right-click Computer, and then select Properties. If Service Pack 1 is listed under Windows edition, SP1 is already installed on your PC. Before you begin Check if your PC is 32-bit or 64-bit.

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It’s that time of year again, and as always, when I vis­it the fam­ily over xmas there are vari­ous PC issues to resolve. This year there were blessedly few issues, but there was 1 prob­lem that it took me quite a while to track down and resolve. One of the fam­il­ies PCs was fail­ing to install Win­dows 7 ser­vice pack 1. It’s a fairly new PC and came with an OEM install of Win­dows 7 x64 Home Premi­um, all legit and activ­ated. It also has up-to-date anti-vir­us pro­tec­tion, and oth­er than the SP1 install prob­lems it seemed to be in excel­lent work­ing order.

Error 80073712

The error thrown by win­dows update was error 80073712, which accord­ing to win­dows help (and the Microsoft help page) “occurs when the Win­dows com­pon­ent store is cor­rupt”. Microsoft provide a tool, called the Sys­tem Update Read­i­ness tool (KB947821) which it sup­posed to fix this prob­lem. I down­loaded the tool and ran it (which took quite a long time), after which it repor­ted suc­cess. I then reat­temp­ted the SP1 update but it still failed.

After fur­ther research I dis­covered this is an issue which has plagued both 32 and 64 bit ver­sions of Win­dows, ever since Vista. It seems to affect all ser­vice pack releases (KB936330, KB948465 and KB976932) Hence the Sys­tem Update Read­i­ness tool being for Win­dows Vista, 7, 2008 and 2008 R2. There are lots of unhelp­ful sug­ges­tions avail­able, but the actu­al solu­tion is fairly simple, as long as you have access to anoth­er PC with the same OS installed! In my case I had my laptop with me, run­ning Win­dows 7 x64 SP1. I’m not sure if hav­ing SP1 may some­times make a dif­fer­ence, or if hav­ing Pro­fes­sion­al instead of Home Premi­um may like­wise some­times make a dif­fer­ence, but in my case these dif­fer­ences did­n’t mat­ter — my solu­tion worked just fine. For more detailed inform­a­tion, I found the Microsoft Tech­Net art­icle “Advanced guidelines for dia­gnos­ing and fix­ing ser­vi­cing cor­rup­tion” very useful.

The Solution

Firstly, down­load and install the Sys­tem Update Read­i­ness tool. If you’re lucky this will just fix the prob­lem the first time. How­ever, before attempt­ing the ser­vice pack install, we’re going to check…

Click on start and in the search box type “note­pad %windir%logscbschecksur.log” to open the read­i­ness tool’s log file.

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At the bot­tom of the file there should be a sum­mary which looks like

If the num­ber of errors fixed is the same as the num­ber found then you should be sor­ted — you can now just go ahead and install the ser­vice pack or win­dows update as nor­mal. How­ever, in my case it was­n’t, so…

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The log file iden­ti­fies any files it could­n’t fix. Files it can­’t fix are ones that aren’t present on the sys­tem for some reas­on. You need to get them from anoth­er PC run­ning the same ver­sion of Windows

In the log file, under the sec­tion called “Check­ing Com­pon­ent Store” there will be a list of files that are miss­ing or cor­rupt. I had 4 lis­ted as below…

The mani­fest files can be found (on anoth­er PC) in %windir%winsxsManifests and the folders con­tain­ing the oth­er files are found in %windir%winsxs

Copy the miss­ing files to the PC with the prob­lem, into the fol­low­ing locations

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.mani­fest files into %Windir%TempCheckSURwinsxsmanifests
.mum and .cat files into %Windir%TempCheckSURservicingpackages
any files from the folders with the long names (in my case the 2 LDDMCore.ptxml files) go into the appro­pri­ate dir­ect­ory in %windir%winsxs

This final step may require tak­ing own­er­ship and chan­ging the per­mis­sions of the dir­ect­or­ies in question.

Now re-run the Sys­tem Update Read­i­ness tool. Once re-run repeat step 2 to open the log file, and con­firm that the sum­mary sec­tion now says the num­ber of fixes matches the num­ber of problems.

Assum­ing the value for fixes is now equal to the value for prob­lems found, you can now re-run the ser­vice pack or win­dows update, which should succeed.

What next

If for some reas­on you’re still hav­ing prob­lems, there are some oth­er things you can try…

1. Run the Win­dows Update troubleshooter

  • click on start, type “troubleshoot­ing” and press enter.
  • In the con­trol pan­el win­dow that opens click on “Fix prob­lems with Win­dows Update”.
  • Note: this applies to Win­dows 7, but the pre­cise details may be dif­fer­ent under oth­er systems.

2. Clear out the win­dows update cache…

  • Click start, type services.msc
  • In the ser­vices admin win­dow, scroll down to “Win­dows Update”, right click on it, and click stop.
  • Click start, type %windir%SoftwareDistribution
  • Select all files and delete them. If any won’t delete you can take own­er­ship and change per­mis­sions of them, or try again in safe mode.
  • Restart the “Win­dows Update” ser­vice from the ser­vices admin window.
  • Re-run the win­dows update troubleshooter

Extra things you can try


1. A disk check

  • It’s fairly unlikely, but it could be disk corruption
  • Open my com­puter, right click on the sys­tem drive (usu­ally Drive C) and select properties
  • Click on the tools tab, and click “Check now”
  • Make sure both boxes are ticked and click start
  • You will prob­ably have to restart, and the check might take a long time

2. The sys­tem file checker

  • Click start, type sfc /scannow
  • You might need an install­a­tion disk
  • This might take a while

3. Delete the pending.xml file in %windir%winsxs

Componentes necesarios para instalar service pack 1 windows 7 64 bit download
  • Click on start, type %windir%winsxs
  • Scroll down and loc­ate the file pending.xml
  • Take own­er­ship and change the per­mis­sions of the file
  • Delete the file
  • Cred­it for this to TyeGuy on TechAr­ena forums
  • Please note that Microsoft do not recom­mend doing this (see com­ments below, thanks niemiro). If you’ve got this far and it still isn’t work­ing, drop us a com­ment and we’ll see what we can do to help!

The last resort

Obtain a win­dows install­a­tion DVD, rerun setup and carry out a repair install. You will have to rein­stall all updates.

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